January 2013
31st Jan: Wed...zzzzzzz. 9 more days till the Chinese New Year, where I finally get a decent break...Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of Jan .... Added the 8th page to the endgames lecture by GM Liu, and also the hyperlinks which I forgot to add yesterday. BTW, the 8th page is a very important page as the GM introduces to all THE BIG FOUR. They are considered to be the four greatest endgame compositions of all time, all created centuries go. The Gathering of the Seven Stars alone has over 300 variations. Only the imporant variation is shown, but you may go to the menu bar on the left, click on "Composed Endgames" to view the puzzles in full. The book is almost finished soon... And remember to go to the Facebook page for your daily practice! The Jan 2013 archives are also out.
30th Jan: Tuesday!!! Arrrgh... Added the 6th and 7th page to the endgames lecture by GM Liu.
Also, Mr Felix Tan has pointed out a much faster kill in the db 20130124 mmlm puzzle! Thanks!29th Jan: Busy day. Added a new page to the endgames chapters . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of Jan ....
28th Jan: GM Xu TianHong vs GM Li LaiQun in the 12th 5 Rams Cup. Click here...
27th Jan: Been over a month since I added to the midgames section. Have added one today which shows three games played in the females Team Championships in 2004 in China. Analyses was provided by GM Zhang GuoFeng. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of Jan ....and ps, I just found out that I had uploaded the wrong eg 53 by GM Liu...it has been corrected. Just click on the link below...
26th Jan: Georg Jeiter of Germany has kindly added foot notes to endgame lecture 53 by GM Liu DianZhong. Click here to see comments which makes things much clearer. Also added two more pages to the GM's introductory course on XiangQi endgames. p03 , p04 .
25th Jan: Huang HaiLin vs Sun YongZheng in 2007. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of Jan ....
24th Jan: Added a few hyperlinks that I forgot to add yesterday. Also added the 3rd and final page on the side pawn opening.
23rd Jan: Page 2 of the Side Pawn Opening is out. Have fun. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of Jan ....
22nd Jan: Have uploaded much orthodox material for some time now. Felt the itch to do something unorthodox and here it is, the page 1 of 3 on the Side Pawn Opening. There was some coverage of this opening back a few years back in the periodical XiangQi, but I could not find that magazine, in my house or over the net. Anyway, this was a file from the internet. There is one book written on this subject and I have it but the moves seem a little bit different when I browsed through them quickly, but the moves given in the boards seem interesting. I added this not to poison the beginner, but rather, in the hope of providing some inspiration and trying to think out of the box in your openings. The next two pages will be uploaded over the next two days. And happy birthday to Mr Antonio Barra !!!
21st Jan: Added two pages on the last chapter in the GM's book, that deals with endgame compositions. Click here for the first page. Read the GM's advice clearly! Endgame compositions are good for your game!!! And go to my facebook page and click like if you have not done so! Tons there. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of Jan ....
20th Jan: the mobile phone issue has yet to be settled. Added the last page on the angel's pawn opening from the GM's book.
19th Jan: To my horror, while the website would seem fine when viewed on the computer, many boards would disappear on mobile phones. It has been some time since I used my mobile to see the site, but that was what I saw. I used a website service to generate my website, since computer programming is not my forte. Will try to rectify the problem. Added the a new angel's pawn opening page and also Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 14th of Jan .... And, Mr Georg Jeiter has provided further insight on the endgame 2h w 2p2e. Makes everything much clearer! Thanks!
18th Jan: Added 2 pages which mark the end of chapter 9 (the second last chapter in the book on endgames). More examples are given on endgame technique and the GM picks the minds of the players in the endgames given. p 07 & 8 .
17th Jan: A mistake has been made. There is a shorter way for a checkmate as noted by a visitor to the fanpage for the db 20130106 poc 2 puzzle . Thanks to Shing Chun! Also Mr Felix Tan has found a few minor mistakes in the db 20130111 poc 2 and 20130112 poc 2 puzzles which have been corrected and uploaded. Added the next page on basic opening theory to chapter one.
16th Jan: Added page to the ap vs td 02 , which is a continuation of yesterday's page. This is a VERY often seen opening played in competition nowadays. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 12th of Jan ....
15th Jan: Found a very comprehensive list of XiangQi related websites from a facebook group, 象棋愛好者, which is complosed of mainly Malaysian XiangQi players. Used the list to update my "Links", but I do not have the time to translate everything, but most of the sites listed point to sites in China, in Chinese... Also added a new opening system, page 1 from Chapter 6 in the GM's book on openings: the Angel's Pawn vs the Thundering Defense 01.
14th Jan: Spent the ENTIRE Sunday afternoon translating many pages of chapter 1 of GM's book on opening theory. Basic fundamentals are given. Just in case you became bored, I used the cbr format with a game from GM Hu RongHua's legendary manual on the Sandwiched Horse Opening, showing why the old forms of the sah was doomed to fail. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of Jan ....
13th Jan: Added a new page in chapter 9 of the GM's book. Have Fun! Lazy weekend...
12th Jan: Added an annotated game by two of younger players: Master Dang Fei vs GM Wang Bin in a Same Direction Cannons match played in the 2007 Chinese National Singles Championships.
Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of Jan ....
11th Jan: Click here for the last page in the sandwiched horse opening series. The only board discussing the single horse defense is also seen here. Busy...
10th Jan: The next page on the cc vs sah is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of Jan ....
9th Jan: The 5th page to chapter 9, loaded with more practical advice on how to improve your endgame is out.
8th Jan: Feeling better, except it is blue Monday... sigh. Added the 4th page to chapter 9 from the GM's book on endgames where he shares more on how to play a better endgame. Very practical and important stuff. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th ....
7th Jan: Still groggy and reeling. Managed barely to add to the next cc vs sah page.
6th Jan: Clouded mind. Click here for a new opening in a new chapter: cc vs sah by the GM in his book on openings for beginners. Have fun...
5th Jan: Flu got worse. Could not do much. Only managed to add the ans up till the 2nd of Jan. Click here for the puzzles on the 31st Dec last year. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd ....
4th Jan: Added the 3rd page to chapter 9 in GM Liu DianZhong's book on endgames. In this short section, he discusses how to determine your strategy in endgames. Am suffering from a flu. Hope I am well enough to do upload tomorrow's addition...
3rd Jan: Added an annotated game by GM Zhao XinXin vs GM Xu YinChuan back in 2005, using the 57 Cannons vs the sandwiched horse defense. Nice game. Also added the ans up till the 30th of Dec. Click here ...
2nd Jan: Added the last page on cc vs sch from the GM's book. It mainly discusses black's sch with early 3pa. The 34 pages on the cc vs sch are now finally done. If you have memorized them well, it would give you a headstart.
1st Jan: Beginning of the new year, actually, less than one hour into the new year! Added the long awaited 57c3pa vs sch opening, the second last page from the GM's book. This would also mark the second last page in the his lengthy chapter on the cc vs sch opening. Also added the Dec 2012 archives and the ans up till the 28th of Dec are also out. Click here ...
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 31st Jan 2013
Last Updated: 31st Jan 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
February 2013
28th Feb: First part of chapter 7 on the Sandwiched Horse Defense is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of Feb.
27th Feb: Blast from the past. GM Li YiTing took on GM Hu RongHua in this match played over half a century ago in 1961.
26th Feb: GM Xu TianHong vs GM Yu YouHua in 2000, using the opening and variations that I have been uploading recently. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of Feb.
25th Feb: Sunday with a weak body devastated by flu... Click here for the final three boards to chapter 6.
24th Feb: Uploaded the first two boards of Chapter 6: the sah with the left ranked chariot variation. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of Feb.
23rd Feb: Uploaded the last three boards to chapter 5.
22nd Feb: Dead tired. Managed to upload only two boards of chapter 5. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of Feb.
21st Feb: Chapter 4: 56c 3pa vs sah rt e is out.
20th Feb: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of Feb ... Also added a new midgames analyses page by GM Zhang GuoFeng. Click here ... Been some time since I did that.
19th Feb: Chapter 3 on the sandwiched horse manual is out. more great analyses to be learnt.
18th Feb: Ans up till Valentine's day are out. Click here ... Also added a match played by two female GM's for the championship back in 2007. Rare opening! Click here. (ps, I found out that I had typed the wrong date...but it is today's entry).
17th Feb: Been drained physically and mentally the past few days. Only managed to add chapter 2 to Sandwiched Horse.
16th Feb: Decided to do something crazy...Added chapter 1 from GM Hu RongHua's Manual of the Sandwiched Horse (SAH) Manual. One of the best books written ever. Click here for the content page or go directly to the ECCO section on the SAH for content page. Have fun.
15th Feb: Added page 9 on the basics of opening theory. And thanks to Mr Robert Adams for telling me a few minor mistakes in the arrangement of the pages. I have done the necessary corrections and this should provide more cohesive reading.
14th Feb: Added page 8 on the basics of opening theory by GM Liu DianZhong.
13th Feb: My father underwent a triple bypass the past week. All is okay now, whew. Back to business. Still tired from the flight but have forced myself to upload the ans til the 8th. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of Feb .... Happy year of the snake to all!
5th Feb: Have a familial emergency to attend to. Will be back in 1-2wks time. Any inconvenience caused is regretted. Have tried my best to upload a few more puzzles till the 8th but the ans will published 1-2wks later.
5th Feb: P7 of the GM Liu DianZhong's introductory book on openings has been added. I hate busy Mondays.
4th Feb: Hong Zhi vs Zhao GuoRong in 2006! Great game. I combined the commentaries from the internet and one of my books for an in-depth analysis to the game. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 31st of Jan .... And I was reminded by Mr Felix Tan about uploading the wrong ans to the 20130126 mmlm puzzle. I have made the necessary corrections. Thanks!
3rd Feb: Added p5 and p6 to the first chapter, which focuses on the basics in XiangQi opening. Must follow principles in your game.
2nd Feb: TGIF. Added page 4 to the first chapter in the GM's introductory book on openings. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 28th of Jan ....
1st Feb: Added page 3 to chapter 1 in the GM's introductory book on openings. Busy week.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 1st Mar 2013
Last Updated: 1st Mar 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
March 2013
31st Mar: Still have half a house to move...to tired to add anything....and pls donate poc 1 puzzles if you have any.............will try to continue over the next few days
30th Mar: Finally, the internet connection is up. But I have to reboot my new computer and download all the boring stufff. Was only able to add the ans up till the 26th. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of Mar . Dead tired.
28th Mar: Moving house. Will take some time to get new internet connection on. Do not miss me. Puzzles may have to stop. Hopefully everything will be back to normal in about a week's time.
27th Mar: Added another endgame page, p31 to the Endgames Dictionary .Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of Mar.
26th Mar: Been VERY BUSY moving house. Output will be significantly decrease. Sorry for the inconvience caused. Added another endgame page to the Endgames Dictionary.
25th Mar: Uploaded a female GM vs GM match. Also from the 2007 JiaZhou Cup. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of Mar.
24th Mar: Only able to upload GM Hu RongHua vs GM Yu YouHua. Nice game using the 57 cannons vs the screen horse defense. Will try my daily uploads and puzzles, but moving house may require a few days of internet disconnection...sigh. Will update.
23rd Mar: Going to have to move house over the next 2 wks or so....not too much time for the site. Added a short game with a short commentary, but nevertheless very exciting game between GM Li LaiQun vs GM Lv Qin back in 1991. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of Mar.
22nd Mar: Start of the peak season ...tiring. Another endgame page to the Endgames Dictionary.
21st Mar: Busy week...Only managed to add a new endgames page to the Endgames Dictionary by Master Tu JingMing. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of Mar.
20th Mar: Added a new commentated game.
19th Mar: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 14th of Mar. And I have only managed to find a few puzzles over the past week... Damn. Been very busy...for nothing much. Donate puzzles if you have! And please hover your cursor over the left menu bar over the endgames section for a new submenu:Xq endgame dictionary. I had wanted to publish it later...but decided to do so today. And nope, I have not been slacking...LOL. This would be one of the world's first online Xiangqi Endgame dictionary. The visitor is also encouraged to go to the WXF's site for a similar feature. It is about 1/3 done though. Credit must to given to Master Tu JingMing who was the author of many dictionaries or references in many aspects in XiangQi. And I think I want to have a real break this week.......LOL.
17th Mar: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 12th of Mar.
15th Mar: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of Mar.
13th Mar: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of Mar. And I am relatively surprised to see many new Indonesian visitors to my site, not to mention visitors, albeit few from the South Americas. Let XiangQi go global! And thanks to a certain visitor who did not leave his name for pointing out a flaw in puzzle 20 of volume 1 in the Elegant Pastime Manual. This is basically a one man show here, and there are many mistakes. Please tell me if you find them and I will correct them asap.
11th Mar: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of Mar.
9th Mar: Decided to take a one week break to search for new material from the web. Almost 1600 pages now, and I think I deserve it. There are about 100 unpublished pages becuase they are not ready yet. Will upload them later. Do not miss me. And if you have any puzzles to share pls send them to
8th Mar: Part 2 of Chapter 11 on the SAH is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of Mar.
7th Mar: Part 1 of Chapter 11 on the SAH is out. This is the final chapter of the book devoted to opening theory. In the next chapter, the GM shows many examples of actual games played.
6th Mar: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of Mar. Also, Chapter 10 , the second last chapter on the SAH manual is out. And I am slowly running out of poc 1 puzzles. If anybody has xqf or cbr or cbl files of puzzles and are willing to share with the world, please email them to me at
5th Mar: chapter 9 cc vs sah 7pa is out.
4th Mar: GM Hu RongHua vs GM Zhao GuoRong in 2004. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 28th of Feb. Also made a minor correction to one of the comments of the subvariations of mm fgmzj 0302. Thanks to Georg Jeiter! And please, I reiterate, xqinenglish is basically a one man show. There are many mistakes that sometimes I cannot see, especially when I spend hours doing them. Please email me should you find any mistakes so that I can correct them asap!
3rd Mar: 2nd part of chapter 8 is out. For those new to the site, although it is limited to the sandwiched horse defense, it is one of the best books written on opening theory by the great GM Hu RongHua.
2nd Mar: 1st part of chapter 8 dealing with 56c lt ph vs sah is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of Feb.
1st Mar : Second part of Chapter 7 is out. And I forgot to link it to the content page yesterday. The Feb 2013 Archives are also out. And also made a minor correction to the most recent uploaded game. I had forgotten to change the the ECCO, it should be c17. Thanks to robert from the adams place for telling me that. GM Li YiTing took on GM Hu RongHua
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 1st Apr 2013
Last Updated: 1st Apr 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
April 2013
30th Apr: Added endgame pages, p46 to the Endgames Dictionary . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of April . Also added the April Archives or hover your cursor over the "What's New" button in the toolbar and you will see the archives.
29th Apr: Added endgame pages, p46 to the Endgames Dictionary
28th Apr: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of April . Click here for a brilliant game by GM Li LaiQun in his early days.
27th Apr: Added endgame pages, p44 & p45 to the Endgames Dictionary .
26th Apr: Amateur beat future GM in 2007. Click here. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of April .
25th Apr: Uploaded an interesting game from 2008. Master Jin Song vs Master Huang ShiQing.
24th Apr: Added another endgame page, p43 to the Endgames Dictionary . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of April .
23rd Apr: Getting busier by the day...sigh. Added another endgame page, p42 to the Endgames Dictionary
22nd Apr: Too lazy..Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of April .
21st Apr: Added another endgame page, p40 and p41 to the Endgames Dictionary .
20th Apr: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of April . Too lazy to do anything else...the botb puzzles are taking up too much of my time! LOL.
19th Apr: Added another endgame page, p39 to the Endgames Dictionary . And it is great pleasure that I announce that my site has over 1600+ pages now. Yeah!
18th Apr: Xu YinChuan vs Jiang Chuan in 2008. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 14th of April
17th Apr: A short but interesting commentary from a 2010 game. Click here ...
16th Apr. Added another endgame page, p38 to the Endgames Dictionary . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 12th of April
15th Apr: Added another endgame page, p37 to the Endgames Dictionary .
14th Apr: Zhao Xinxin vs Lv Qin! Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of April . Hope you enjoyed the botb puzzles thus far and that they gave you some inspiration or two.
13th Apr: Overslept....too000o tired. i need a day or two for rest!
12th Apr: Added another endgame page, p36 to the Endgames Dictionary . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of April . hope you enjoyed the botb puzzles.
11th Apr: Finally managed to squeeze some time to upload an annotated game: Xie Kui W Sun YongZheng in 2008.
10th Apr: 1.30 am and finally i get to do XiangQi....sigh. getting old. No time to add much except for the ans up till the 6th. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of April . hope you enjoyed the botb puzzles.
9th Apr: Still unpacking...Added another endgame page, p35 to the Endgames Dictionary . And after nearly 2 years of poc 1 puzzles, I have officially run out of decent ones...I have tried my best not to repeat them, but it becomes harder as time goes by. Anyway, I have decided to add botb (best of the best ) puzzles instead. They may be longer and as they were actual games played, there might more than one way to win. The idea is to inspire and appreciate how the great ones do it. POC 1 puzzles will continue, if I am able to find more. A botb puzzle takes me much much longer...sigh.
8th Apr: Unpacking... no time to do anything...sigh. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of April
7th Apr: Still unpacking. Darn... But forced myself to add a page to the midgames section. Click here ... been some time. And I just took a look at the stats. Found that Russia has the most number of visitors to my site! Nice. Singapore is still second. Vietnam, and Brazil!!! have shown increasing numbers of visitors too. NICE!
6th Apr: Still unpacking. Could only add the ans up till the 2nd of April. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of April.
5th Apr: Added another endgame page, p34 to the Endgames Dictionary
4th Apr: Tooooo tired to do anything ...Never buy too many XiangQi manuals. They will kill you when you move house... Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 31st of Mar .
3rd Apr: Added another endgame page, p33 to the Endgames Dictionary . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 30th of Mar . I hate moving house...
2nd Apr: Added another endgame page, p32 to the Endgames Dictionary .
1st Apr: Added the March Archives . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 28th of Mar . Dead tired. Good news is I have managed to move all my XiangQi books to my new place. Now I have to sort them out...arrrrrrrrrrgh
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 30th Apr 2013
Last Updated: 30th Apr 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
May 2013
31st May: Page 16 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of May.
30th May: P58 and P59 of the Endgames Dictionary are out.
29th May: Jiang Chuan vs Hong Zhi, 2009 National Singles Championships. Excellent game! Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of May.
28th May: Page 15 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
27th May: Page 14 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of May.
26th May: Page 13 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
25th May: Page 12 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
24th May: P57 of the of the Endgames Dictionary is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of May.
23rd May: P55 and P56 of the Endgames Dictionary are out.
22nd May: Page 11 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of May.
21st May: Page 10 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
20th May: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of May. Lazy Sunday, will do more tomorrow.
19th May: Page 9 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
18th May: Page 8 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 14th of May.
17th May: Added a short annotated game by GM Liu DianZhong. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 12th of May.
16th May: Page 7 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
15th May: P54 of the Endgames Dictionary is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of May. And much thanks must be given to Mr Trevor Tao for pointing out that the mmlm puzzle for 20130507 was flawed. The corrections have been made. It takes me over 2 hours at least a day just to do the puzzles and the daily uploads. If you find any mistakes please tell me. I have been very very busy the past few weeks and in the weeks to come. Will try to answer all emails asap. Thanks.
14th May: Beginning of a very hectic wk... P53 of the Endgames Dictionary is out.
13th May: Added GM Wan ChunLin vs GM Chen HanFeng.
12th May: It is with great pleasure to introduce a new XiangQi site in English by the revered Mr Felix Tan: http://www.xiangqibowl.org/ . Very good site. Take a look yourself! P51 and P52 of the Endgames Dictionary are out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of May. And much thanks is to be given to Mr Robert Adams for pointing out a wrong link in yesterday's upload. It has been corrected. Thanks. I have been very busy as of late, and if you find any mistakes, pls email me at
11th May: Page 6 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
10th May: Page 5 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of May.
9th May: Page 4 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
8th May: Thanks to Mr Chris Hankinson for pointing out a mistake in the link and another typing mistake to Page 2 from Master Shang's book. Also added page 3. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of May.
7th May: P50 of the Endgames Dictionary is out.
6th May: Page 2 from Master Shang's book is out. Very tiring work...Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of May.
5th May: I have finally decided to do something with the midgames sections, the hardest to do in my site. Have decided to add a book. A very simple, no nonsense and practical book by Master Shang Wei titled "How to Get Out of Trouble" (translated loosely) . Click here for the first page. The content page may be assessed also by hovering your cursor over the midgames section on the menu bar on the left. And if anybody has the cbr/cbl files to this book, pls email me at
4th May: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 30th of April. Bloody busy day. Too tired to do anything else...Oh, and I just took a look at the stats...great to know that there has been a slow but gradual increase in the visitors from South America esp Brazil and Columbia... Now, I lack visitors from Africa, the North pole and the South pole... Spread the word. And do send me emails now and then to tell me what XiangQi is like at your region!
3rd May: Trivia: What is the family name that most GM's have? Zhao ( Zhao Guorong, Zhao XinXin, Zhao GuanFang...). Uploaded today is a match between the Zhao GMs: Zhao Xinxin vs Zhao GuoRong... Have Fun!
2nd May: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 28th of April. Also added p49 to the
Endgames Dictionary .
1st May:Added endgame pages, p48 to the Endgames Dictionary .
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 1st June 2013
Last Updated: 1st June 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
June 2013
28th June: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of June.
26th June: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of June.
22nd June: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of June.
20th June: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of June.
18th June: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 14th of June.
16th June: Missed me ....? Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 12th of June.
14th June: Burnt the midnight oil and managed to FINALLY upload all the endgame examples in the Endgames Dictionary . 300 in all, from p01 to p72. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of June. Will take a 2 week break, as although the mind is willing, the body is unforgiving. The puzzles will continue, so check back every 2-3 days for the answers. And if I have the time, I might add a thing or two, but Master Tu's Endgames Dictionary was much more work than I had expected. There are two comprehensive endgame sections on this site now, one by Master Tu JingMing, and the other one by GM Liu DianZhong. That should be sufficient for the moment. I will concentrate more on openings, midgames and actual games when I come back, well rested. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
13th June: P68 of the Endgames Dictionary is out. Also corrected the mistakes I had not noticed in p67. Hope to upload the entire dictionary by end of this week... but it is much more work than I had expected.
12th June: Page 20 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of June.
11th June: P66 and P67 of the Endgames Dictionary are out.
10th June: P65 of the Endgames Dictionary is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of June.
9th June: GM Jiang Chuan W Master Dong XuBin is out.
8th June: P64 of the Endgames Dictionary is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of June.
7th June: Page 19 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Very nice page too!
6th June: P63 of the Endgames Dictionary is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of June.
5th June: Page 18 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
4th June: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 31st of May. Bloody busy Monday... I hate mondays...
3rd June: P62 of the Endgames Dictionary is out. Wanted to do more...but...it is a SUNDAY!!!
2nd June: P60 and P61 of the Endgames Dictionary are out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 28th of May.
1st June: Page 17 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. So is the May 2013 Diary.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 1st June 2013
Last Updated: 1st June 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
July 2013
31st July: A million thanks must be given to Mr Nguyen Marc-Antoine for providing the records of his games in the European Championships last month. I have made the necessary corrections for games number 13,27,96. I have yet to come across the others yet. Please, if anybody has the records, please send them to me. Page 10 which is also the 5th page on cc vs sch deception , from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. This is another must read page as it deals with one of the biggest variations for black's screen horse defense: the left riverbank horse variation 左馬盤河. Also uploaded is the diary for this month.
30th July: P34 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of July.
29th July: P33 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
28th July: P32 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of July.
27th July: Young Master Zheng WeiTong W the venerable GM LV Qin in this 2010 Chinese National Singles matchup! Master Zheng was born in March 1994 and hails from ChongQing, SiChuan. Many view him as the next big superstar with his ever improving play and tremendous potential. Just google "鄭惟桐" (traditional Chinese character) and you will find tons of material about him. Have fun!
26th July: Page 9 which is also the 4th page on cc vs sch deception , from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of July.
25th July: Page 8 and the second page on cc vs sch , from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
24th July: Page 1 to 8 and page 20 of the 2013 European Championships are out. Games 18 (p3) and 36 (p8) are very very nice games. A million thanks must be given to a real friend who has preferred to be anonymous for helping out with 20 of the games. There are still many corrupted files but a player from Germany has offered to help correct them. Pls, these are great games. Share!!! Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of July.
23rd July: P31 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Will try to present more of the 2013 European Cup in cbr format, when I have the time. So far, pages 1,2,3 and p20 already have the cbr files uploaded and published.
22nd July: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of July. Uploading the files in the morning has taken its toll on me...
21st July: P30 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Spent the entire morning redoing the 2013 European Championships , so that all the pdf files can be seen. For those who have tried seeing them, there might be linkage issues, which should be resolved in due time. Try refreshing your browser. Have done records 096-100. Will appreciate any help provided. There goes my Sunday...
20th July: Page 7 and the second page on cc vs sch with ecrx, from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Another must read page as it deals with very commonly played variations in competition, even today. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of July.
19th July: Page 3 of the records of the 2013 European Championships are out. A million thanks must be provided to Mr PHUNG Kim Dang who shared with us his game as black in round 7 of the tournament. Applause please!!! And I BEG anybody who has the actual games to share them as my 'reading' skills are limited and 'code-breaking' skills deplorable. Quite a few friends have expressed their interest over my facebook account!
18th July: P29 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" are out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 14th of July.
17th July: A short game by the venerable GM Li LaiQun when he started out, played way back in 1979, has been uploaded.
16th July: Page 6 and the first page on cc vs sch is out, from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. A must read page. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 12th of July.
15th July: Page 5 and the last page on the Same Direction Cannons from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. I seemed to have forgotten to hyperlink some of the pages... sorry! Have made the necessary corrections. If you find any mistakes, please tell me. There is only one me at the moment, and with a day job, kids to look after and many senseless facebook games to play, I am bound to make mistakes. So email me if you find any mistakes.
14th July: p27 & p28 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" are out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of July. And yes, I am still alive and there has been no electricity blackout.
13th July: Page 4 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Taking a break from the records...LOL. Would really appreciate any help I can get. The typhoon is at its strongest now...sigh.
12th July: Page 2 of the records of the 2013 European Championships are out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of July. A participant had emailed me, asking me if I was really interested in the games. OF COURSE I AM!!! These files are of immense historical value to me, for they represent the spread of the game outside of China or Asia for that matter. It would only be a matter of time before the game spreads further. I would appreciate if more participants would help me out is sharing their wisdom in the games played. They would be essential for the progress of the game in the world. PS: There is a crazy typhoon/hurricane hitting Taiwan where I am now tomorrow and perhaps 2 days later. In case of electrical black-outs, uploading might have to be stopped. (And I still have to work...sigh!)
11th July: Every once in a while, something in me short-circuits and I decide to do something crazy. Well, today is one of those moments. Click here to understand why. Fresh off the stove too... A million thanks must be given to Mr Antonio Guberti for sharing what the best of Europe has to offer! I would appreciate any help if possible.
10th July: Page 03 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of July.
9th July: Page 02 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" by Master Yan WenQing and Master Zhang Qiang is out. The first example in this page is rather practical and most beginners are more often than not faced with such a situation as black. note: i read a comment on a malaysian website on XiangQi saying that rumored has it that this book was the reason why Master Yan did not become National Champion back in the 90's, as he had revealed too much ...LOL. I do not care whether it is true or not, but I still find it one of the most earnest books on opening theory for the past 3 decades.
8th July: Moving the king to safety as an option is discussed in a new section in Chapter 2 of Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of July.
7th July: How to defend against a potential 1r1c kill, the last in this section of Master Shang Wei's "How to Get Out of Trouble" , is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of July.
6th July: After much consideration, I have decided to add a new book, on openings, "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" by Master Yan WenQing and Master Zhang Qiang. A free download of the book in English can be found at the following url (WXF) : . Page 01 has been uploaded.
5th July: Master Zhang Qiang vs GM Wang Bin back in 2008. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 30th of June.
4th July: How to defend against a potential 1r1h kill is shown today, which is the next part in Master Shang Wei's "How to Get Out of Trouble" .
3rd July: How to defend against a potential 2h kill is shown today, which is the next part in Master Shang Wei's "How to Get Out of Trouble" . Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 28th of June.
2nd July: How to defend against a potential 1h1c kill is discussed today, which is a continuation of Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" .
1st July: Back in business, although I have not had a decent break. My kids started becoming ill and there went my two week break. Sigh. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of June. Also added are the June Archives (with not much content). Master Shang's lessons from his book "How to Get Out of Trouble" also continue...with the beginning of chapter 2. In this first page on this chapter, how to defend against a 1r1p kill is discussed. One of the examples cited was a little bit controversial, but I have added some of my comments and the original work. For the experts out there, pls write in if you have better suggestions.
PS: there are now over 1700 pages to this site... Give me some encouragement by clicking like on the fb page!
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 31st July 2013
Last Updated: 31st July 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
August 2013
31st Aug: GM Li LaiQun vs GM Hu RongHua in the 3rd ever 5 Rams Cup. Brilliant game!
30th Aug: GM Jiang Chuan vs GM Miao YongPeng in 2004. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 26th of Aug. If you have been following my site, you must have noticed that I have uploaded quite a bit of annotated games recently. The main reason for this is that I hope to upload at least 50-100 games per year and I am off course from this goal. Another announcement to make: starting from September 2013, I will only make uploads from Mon-Fri. That is because my children are growing older and demand more of my time. My first child was only a few months when I started out and now there are two...Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Puzzles will only be uploaded mon-fri for the same reason. Besides, I have a VERY HARD time looking for POC 1 puzzles as of late.
29th Aug: P21 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
28th Aug: GM Xu TianHong vs GM Xu YinChuan in the 1990 Chinese National Singles Championships! A very good game that was collected in many different books. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of Aug.
27th Aug: P20 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. A slight mistake was made in the CCbridge manual edition upload a few days ago and it has been corrected. Sorry, am just too busy the past few days. Click here for version 20130826 ...
26th Aug: "Young" GM Zhao GuoRong vs the late GM Yang GuanLin back in 1978.Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 22nd of Aug. LOL, just checked my annotated games upload, I seemed to have developed a love for GM Zhao's games unknowingly...lol.
25th Aug: CCbridge is the XiangQi program/engine that I use to generate the stuff seen on this site. A new updated version has been done and uploaded. Click here .... There are still some functions which I do not know how to use or what they mean. Feel free to contribute.
Disclaimer: CCbridge is a rather 'mysterious' program. Sometimes, my Kapersky would deem it to be 'funny' but so far no harm has been done to my computer. It is the BEST program there is and the functions are unparalleled. There are also many resources. Just visit the sites listed at the end of the pdf and you will know what I mean.
24th Aug: GM Zhao GuoRong vs Master Shang Wei in 2005 has been published. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of Aug.
23rd Aug: P19 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
22nd Aug: P18 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 18th of Aug. Dr Rene Gralla has been kind to inform me about the results of the recent German XiangQi championships last week. He has also kindly presented a link to his report on the subject. http://www.zeit.de/sport/2013-08/xiangqi-schach-china-selbstversuch . The Germans are now top in the number of visitors to my site, as shown from my stats and it seems that they have taken a very high interest in the game. The online edition of the very prestigious German weekly DIE ZEIT (that is THE OPINION LEADER in Germany) has published a lengthy reportage that has been written by Dr Rene on the German XiangQi Championship 2013 at Hamburg, and that should be a huge testament to the popularity of the game in Germany or Europe for that matter. Dr Rene has also kindly given me some photos taken of the event. I will find time to do a page on it.
And I am proud to announce that my site contains over 1800 pages now...
21st Aug: GM Jiang Chuan vs Master Cai Yi in 2009.
20th Aug: P17 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of Aug. And please read the statement below.
Attention: A very grave situation has been brought to my attention. A visitor to this site from China, has said that when he was viewing http://www.xqinenglish.com/opldzc1howtolearnxqopenings04.html , he was redirected to a Chinese advertising site, and thus was unable to view the next page or link given on my website. I have checked the page mentioned but nothing seems wrong. I tried Google Adsense for fun two years ago but for some unknown reason they decided to stop me from using it and since then I have not added any advertisements to my site. I fear that my site is compromised or hacked because I recall 2-3 incidents of internet "attacks" over the last two years where there was a huge increase in the flow to my site for no apparent reason on certain days, an outlier from the usual stats. I am a computer illiterate with very limited computering skills, and still do not know what a javascript is. And like I have said many times before, I pay a hefty fee monthly to mtwebcenters , a company based in the US for their services and a friend has had to help me prepare the templates so I can cut and paste the stuff I do. That also explains the simplicity, homogenity or boredom of the pages. So, please, if anybody out there has experienced similar situations, please take screenshots or even better still, make a video so that I can alert the company to take necessary measures. I have made no money from this site thus far, and I will try to keep the site on as long as possible so that more will get to learn and enjoy XiangQi as I do.
19th Aug: P16 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
18th Aug: P43 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 14th of Aug.
17th Aug: P42 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
16th Aug: GM Yu YouHua vs GM Zhao GuoRong, two of the fiercest competitors in XiangQi today, met in this game in 2009. Very nice game .Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 12th of Aug.
15th Aug: P41 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
14th Aug: Spent the entire morning going through, adjusting and uploading the cbr files from an anonymous friend who has helped me with games 61-80. There are now only about 15 games left...The pieces of the puzzle are falling in place now... And a million thanks must be given to Mr Rikard Skotnicki for sharing us the records of his games in the EU Championships in June. One of the players has offered to ask the other German players for their records in the EU Championships when the German Championships starts in one or two wks time. Pls click here to see the history of XiangQi outside of Asia. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of Aug.
13th Aug: Page 15 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
12th Aug: Young GM vs Young GM in 2006. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of Aug.
11th Aug: Female Master Chen XinLin vs GM Hu Ming in the 2007 Chinese Team Championships has been uploaded..
10th Aug: Page 14 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of Aug.
9th Aug: Page 13, another must read page, from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
8th Aug: Page 12 which is also the 6th page on cc vs sch deception , from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of Aug. Still poor response...pls, I need feedback for a better direction for my site.
7th Aug: P40 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Also, a million thanks must be given to my friend who insists on being anonymous for helping do records 41-60 from the European Championships. I could not have done a better job myself. And I am waiting patiently for the games by some of the players themselves. Have contacted a few more. Once I have all or most of the games, I will try to arrange them in order of the rounds. So, in the meantime, please check out the pages 1-12 and the last page of the European Championships. The games are now uploaded. And please, if you find any mistakes, please tell me. I need trouble shooters.
By the way, I am conducting a short survey about the site. I desperately need response. Please go to the facebook page by clicking on the "Find us on Fb" button beneath the menu bar on the left. Thanks!
6th Aug: P39 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of Aug.
5th Aug: P38 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Have decided to try to finish this chapter from the book before I continue with other stuff.
4th Aug: P37 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Today's addition is short but the first example is very nice. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 31st of July.
3rd Aug: Page 11 which is also the 6th page on cc vs sch deception , from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. A must read page...
2nd Aug: P36 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 28th of July.
1st Aug: P35 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 2nd Sept 2013
Last Updated: 2nd Sept 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
September 2013
30th Sept: Page 28 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 27th of Sept . The September archives are also out. I also apologize for have forgotten to key in the 27th Sept update. I was not slacking and did publish that page just that I forgot to type it here.
27th Sept: Page 27 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
26th Sept: Last game in this triology! Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 24th of Sept.
25th Sept: No way out for GM Jiang Chuan in the 2nd match of the 2008 finals of the Nine Cities Real Estate Cup....
24th Sept: GM Sun YongZheng vs GM Jiang Chuan in the 1st match of the championship round in 2008 (Nine Cities Real Estate Cup). Winner's purse was 300k yuen. I had managed to find an internet file with different commentaries on the net and have combined the two files into one for your perusal. The next match will up uploaded when I have the time, hopefully tomorrow.
23rd Sept: P26 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 20th of Sept.
20th Sept: P25 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
19th Sept: P50 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 16th of Sept. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to all.
18th Sept: P49 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
17th Sept: P48 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
16th Sept: Travelled a 400km journey to and fro today. The body is not what it used to be...LOL. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 13th of Sept. P47 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. And many thanks must be given out to Mr Robert Adams for pointing out several mistakes in my previous uploads over the past few months. I would be very happy if anyone notifies me of mistakes made. There is only one me at the moment. Please email
13th Sept: P24 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 10th of Sept. I am also pleased to inform that there is a new site situation in Finland, I think. The webmaster there has kindly informed me of it. Although the site is still under construction, some of it is already ok and the stuff looks good, very good indeed. http://tamperexiangqi.wordpress.com/ . Check it out. The webmaster there has kindly agreed to answer any emails pertaining to the site. Plant a seed and it grows!
PS: I would like to know more about XiangQi in the respective regions in the world you are in, especially outside of Asia. Dr Rene Gralla has promised to write an article on XiangQi in Germany and we shall expect a good in-depth report, as Dr Gralla is a skilled and experienced journalist who has done many articles on XiangQi. His interviews can be seen on the WXF site , in English which is quite a rarity. I would really apprciate if anybody could tell me more about XiangQi in your region, what is it like, how do you gather to play or exchange. What problems or resources you might face of lack. We need to spread the game.
12th Sept: P23 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 6th of Sept.
11th Sept: P22 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
10th Sept: More on Sim! GM Jiang Chuan vs Sim Yip How about a week ago.
9th Sept: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of Sept. Dr Rene Gralla from Germany has offered to share his recent game in the 2013 "The Horse of Hansa" Tournament with Xqinenglish. He has provided comments on a game whereby he beat the defending champion from the previous year. Sim Yip How, Malaysia's pride and hope, has shared his round 1 game in the 2013 Malaysian National XiangQi Championships whereby he eventually came in 4th place (in his second participation of the tournament). Very nice comments. Click here to enjoy!
6th Sept: Fingers are aching... P46 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
5th Sept: At least 95% of the games of the 2013 European Championships are now uploaded. Also, contributions by some of the games played with readable and non-corrupted records have been published P21 and P22. My low profile friend has also done a brilliant job of doing a pdf document showing the game directory corresponding with the various rounds they were played. This is a herculean task. For this, he will receive a big X'mas present from me in the form of thousands of CBR files and CBL directories. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of Sept.
4th Sept: P45 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. And a million thanks must be given to my friend Georg from Germany. Upon publishing the latest updated manual for CCbridge, many of you might find that the CCbridge website is shut down. Faithful Georg has combed the internet for these two urls where you can download it. Please, applaud Georg for his endeavors! And quote "these places were not easy to find. others may have problems to find anything useful... at all. " When Georg says that, you had BETTER go and download your CCbridge before they disappear! ASAP! NOW! And do it before you read today's upload!
>>>>> http://www.filecrop.com/cc-bridge.html --> direct download
>>>>> http://www.mediafire.com/download/lnmgnj4zhdt/CCBridge3beta4.zip
3rd Sept: Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 31st of Aug. P44 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
2nd Sept: Finally had some time off. Click here for the ans to the puzzles up till the 30th of Aug. Also uploaded is the archive for Aug.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 30th Sept 2013
Last Updated: 30th Sept 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
October 2013
31st Oct : P58 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
30th Oct: GM Liu DianZhong vs GM Xu TianHong in 2000's JiaZhou Cup. This was one of the coveted tournaments whereby only Grandmasters were allowed to participate. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 28th of October.
29th Oct: P57 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
28th Oct: P56 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 25th of October.
25th Oct: P55 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 22nd October.
24th Oct: Finally the entire section 1 is finished. Page 36 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
23rd Oct: GM Liu DianZhong vs GM Tao HanMing in 1998. A same direction cannons game. Very good comments from GM Liu himself.
22nd Oct: Page 35 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Hope to finish at least section 1 by the end of this week...
21st Oct: Page 34 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 18th October.
18th Oct: Page 38 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. This page focuses on the the turtle back cannons.
17th Oct: Page 37 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. I decided to jump start and skip the elephant opening because I was very interested in the tandem cannons and wanted to see what the book had to say about it.
16th Oct: Page 33 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 14th October.
15th Oct: Page 32 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. The first example is a rare case study on the blind eyed dog counter. Very interesting.
14th Oct: Blast from the past. This was a rare commented game played by GM Lv Qin in his younger (very young days). Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 11th October.
11th Oct: Page 31 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. So are the ans to the puzzles up till the 8th of Oct. Click here .
10th Oct: GM Zhao XinXin vs GM Zhao GuoRong in 2007. There was no way out for the young GM Zhao XinXin, if he lost, GM Zhao GuoRong would have advanced to the finals to face GM Lv Qin. But, GM Zhao XinXin did become National Champion that year...
9th Oct: GM Xu YinChuan vs GM Hu RongHua in 2004. Arguably the two best players of all time, this was an exciting match.
8th Oct: P54 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
7th Oct: P53 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. So are the ans to the puzzles up till the 4th of Oct. Click here .
4th Oct: Page 30 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. So are the ans to the puzzles up till the 2nd of Oct. Click here .
3rd Oct : Page 29 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out.
2nd Oct: P52 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
1st Oct: P51 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 1st Nov 2013
Last Updated: 1st Nov 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
November 2013
29th Nov: Master Jin Bo vs Master Zheng WeiTong in 2010. More on the young master!
28th Nov: Master Zheng WeiTong vs GM Hong Zhi in 2010. The young master is hailed as one of the players having potential to make GM. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 26th of Nov.
27th Nov: P69 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Also, I've received an email with an interesting proposal for folks in areas where it is hard to get a decent XiangQi set. http://www.clker.com/clipart-14095.html would provide a XiangQi board although I have yet to find a link for the pieces. At least a place to begin. Please donate or share and tell me at my email where to find free stuff to help out. And I've been thinking of getting a few XiangQi boards for myself. Anybody game? If you are interested, email me too and we'll see what we can make of the situation.
26th Nov: P40 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. And a million thanks must be given again to Robert for pointing out a mistake in the uploading of the files I had prepared for yesterday's upload. Please, there is only one me at the moment. If you find any mistakes, please email me at
25th Nov: P68 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 22nd of Nov.
22nd Nov: P67 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
21st Nov: P66 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 18th of Nov.
20th Nov: Master Huang HaiLin vs Master Pan ZhenBo in 2010. Great comments!
19th Nov: Page 2 from <<象棋戰術初步>> or Basics of XiangQi Tactics . This page also deals with the Shifting tactic.
18th Nov: P65 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. If you have been following it, I think it is the best chapter in the book. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 15th of Nov.
15th Nov: Wang Yang vs Hong Zhi. A very important match that marked the birth of a new champion.
14th Nov: P39 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. This took me a loooooong time and is basically a very in-depth discussion on the mandarin duck cannons. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 12th of Nov.
13th Nov: P64 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
12th Nov: P63 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. And special thanks must be given to Robert for pointing out mistakes and wrong uploads in the db puzzles from 20131013-20131014, and also the wrong uploading of one of the examples shown in the 8th Nov upload. I have been very busy with my work and family recently, so, if you find any mistakes, please tell me.
11th Nov: P62 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. If you have been following it, I think it is the best chapter in the book. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 8th of Nov.
8th Nov: Started to do a new book <<象棋戰術初步>> or Basics of XiangQi Tactics which is a free download at the wxf. The first chapter deals with the shifting tactic and here is page 01. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 6th of Nov. 7th Nov: GM Lv Qin vs GM Liu DianZhong whereby GM Liu used the 'infamous' "Double cross river cannon variation"!6th Nov: GM Li LaiQun vs GM Chen XiaoKun in this match back in 1982. Rare counter!!! Must see! Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 4th of Nov.
5th Nov: P61 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. If you have been following it, I think it is the best chapter in the book.
4th Nov: P60 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 1st of Nov. And please give me a "like" on facebook to let me know that there more and more people reading this site. Just hit 1900 pages...
1st Nov: P59 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. So are the October Archives. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 30th of October.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 1st Dec 2013
Last Updated: 1st Dec 2013
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
December 2013
31st Dec: P81 and P82 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. And I am very proud to say that I have finished the 2000th page on this site. Took me longer than expected but after over 2 years, I have done it. Gimme a pat on the back!
30th Dec: P80 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 24th of Dec.
27th Dec: P78 and P79 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. If you have been following the book, you have now covered over 200 pages. Well done!
26th Dec: Page 2 from Questionable Positions and How to Attack is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 24th of Dec.
25th Dec: Merry Christmas again. Was very busy at work and with my kids. Hence I had little time, but I did manage to find a nostalgic game showing the early developments of the C49 opening, played way back in 1978 in the Chinese National Team Championships. Have fun!
24th Dec: Merry Christmas to all! P76 and P77 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
23rd Dec: Got bored...again... Decided to do a new book. Questionable Positions and How to Attack, another brilliant book in the trilogy by Master Zhang Qiang and Master Yan WenQing is now out. Click here for page 01. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 20th of Dec.
20th Dec: P75 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 18th of Dec.
19th Dec: Lv Qin vs Jiang Chuan in 2008. VERY exciting game going back and forth. Enjoy! Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 16th of Dec
18th Dec: Master Zhuang YuTeng W Master Zhang Qiang back in 1992. Nice game!
17th Dec: Master Fan SiYuan W GM Hong Zhi. Nice game!
16th Dec: P74 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 13th of Dec.
13th Dec: Master Pan ZhenBo vs Master Zhu CongSi back in the 2006 Chinese National Team Championships. I will be uploading more annotated games this month, hoping that this years upload is over 70, that would mean that you have an average of one annotated game to enjoy every 4-5days.
12th Dec: P73 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 10th of Dec.
11th Dec: P72 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
10th Dec: Been some time since I uploaded games played by the female GMs. This was a match played in the 2007 Chinese National Singles Competition. GM Wang LinNa vs GM Chen LiChun. Excellent play!
9th Dec: Master Sun Yongzheng vs Master Wang TianYi in 2010. Both players would become GMs by winning the same tournament a few years later. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 6th of Dec.
6th Dec: Master Wang Yang vs Master Song GuoQiang in 2005. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 4th of Dec.
5th Dec: P41 from "Deceptive Play and Counter-measures" is out. Very lengthy discussion...
4th Dec: GM Miao YongPeng vs Master Zhang Jiang in 2004. http://www.01xq.com/archives/ShowRank.asp?eid=100001575 is the url link to the champions of the Chinese Singles Championships this year. This is regarded as THE biggest event in XiangQi annually. Many thanks to my good German friend, Georg for providing it! Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 2nd of Dec.
3rd Dec: P71 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out.
2nd Dec: P70 from Master Shang's "How to Get Out of Trouble" is out. Click here for the ans of the puzzles that have been published up till the 30th of Nov. And my diary/archives for the work done in Nov 2013 are also uploaded. By the way, for those who follow the news occasionally, young GM Xie Jing won this year's National Single's Championships in China, dethroning last year's winner, GM Wang TianYi who came in second in the same event. Another noteworthy point to make is that Master Zheng WeiTong came in 2nd also, tied with Wang. There seems to have been a change of guard in the XiangQi scene in China. "Old" GMs do not seem to do as well over the past few years and there have been new Champions each year for the past few years. GM Xie (who was already GM; he made GM last decade at a very tender age...) is allegedly GM Hu RongHua's last disciple and he is the second person from ShangHai to have won the coveted trophy this decade, the previous winner from ShangHai being GM Sun YongZheng a few years earlier. ShangHai and BeiJing have been the powerhouses the past few tournaments with GMs Sun YongZheng, Xie Jing, Wang TianYi and Jiang Chuan splitting the trophy between for the past 4 years. Wonder when will Master Zheng get his turn?!
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First Created : 1st Jan 2014
Last Updated: 1st Jan 2014
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.