January 2015
30th Jan: All the commented games that have been published this past week are now out. Click here. So are the records of what I have done for the month of January.
22nd Jan: All the commented games that have been published this till Tuesday are now out. Click here.
11th Jan: All the commented games that have been published last week are now out. Click here.
11th Jan: All the commented games that have been published last week are now out. Click here. Also, I am very proud to share with you a pdf by XiangQi Master March-Antoine Nguyen. It is the study done by the French XiangQi Association. Mr Nguyen has kindly written to me and it is quite an honor for an amateur like me. It is in French, and I do not understand the language, but the stuff looks good. Mr Nguyen is also an author of a XiangQi book in French. Time to start learning new languages...
8th Jan: All the commented games that have been published on monday and tuesday are now out. Click here.
4th Jan: All the commented games that have been published last week are now out. Click here.
1st Jan: HAPPY NEW YEAR! The daily boards showing the games published last year are now out.Click here. Also published are the Dec 2014 Archives.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 30th Jan 2015
Last Updated: 30th Jan 2015
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
Feb-Jun 2015
28th Jun: The last two boards last week are now out. Click here for the published material.
16th Jun: Today's board is now out. Click here for the published material. Went on a short vacation 2 days ago...sorry for the long delay.
7th Jun: All the published boards for this month and today's board are now out. Click here for the published material.
31st May: All the published boards for this month and today's board are now out. Click here for the published material.Click here for the published material. Been doing a lot of physiotherapy and still working on my other XiangQi projects. I like doing physiotherapy, gives me a chance to play on playok when lying there. But because of PT, I sometimes lose on time...bah.
5th May: All the published boards for last month and today are now out. Click here for the published material. Been doing a lot of physiotherapy.
20th Mar: All the published boards for this month week are now out. Click here for the published material. The pain is less crippling and at least I can work with a brace. Physio helps too. But progress is slow. Please bear with the inconvenience caused.
7th Apr: All the published boards from the past month are now out. Click here for the published material. I just broke my back again from my vacation, and I will slowly try to get back to posting. My trip back to Singapore was fruitful and I had the honor to have dinner with Mr Felix Tan to discuss XiangQi. Great things will come out of this meeting with Mr Tan.
25th Mar: All the published boards the past two days are now out. Click here for the published material. My back is slowly recovering but I am still very inefficient.
8th Mar: All the published boards last week are now out. Click here for the published material. I have had a bad back the past week, and I need to rest for at least a week. I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
26th Feb: All the published boards this week are now out. Click here for the published material.
21st Feb: All the published boards and games etc prior to the Chinese New Year are out. I have been celebrating with my family, at home, but have managed to find some time to do it. Happy New Year! And for those who do not know, this is the year of the Goat! Click here for the published material.
10th Feb: Finally, all the boards regarding the CPC are now out. They represent all the entire article from the periodical QiYi: cpc vs cc cprr clh part 1 and part 2, cpc vs cc rbr and super QiYi summary.
8th Feb: All the Cross Palace Cannons (CPC) tabia, their explanations and variations published last week and today are now out. Click here for more CPC openings or here for the individual boards cpc vs lt c blockade, cpc vs 3st, cpc vs cc with dr, cpc vs cc cprr clh part 1 . Or click here for the published brevities last month.
3rd Feb: The first two Cross Palace Cannons (CPC) tabia, their explanations and variations are now out. Click cpc vs e, and cpc vs sch respectively, or here for more CPC openings. Or click here for the published miniatures.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 5th July 2015
Last Updated: 5th July 2015
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.
Jul-Dec 2015
31st Dec: Happy New Year! The commentaries to the last few pawn opening with SDC variations videos that has been uploaded the past week on facebook are now out. Click here ! Or click here for the menu page. It has been another great year and I wish everyone all the best in Xiangqi in the coming new year. Uploads have been decreased as compared to past years because I have been hard at work writing the english dictionary on Xiangqi as mentioned. Work is slow and tedious but going nicely. Hope it would be out in the following months. Also, click here for the archives for the past half a year.
25th Dec: Merry Xmas! The commentaries to the last few SDC videos that has been uploaded the past week on facebook are now out. Click here ! Or click here for the menu page.
18th Dec: The commentaries to the last few videos that has been uploaded the past week on facebook are now out. Click here for the Heavenly Horse Variation! Or click here for the menu page.
12th Dec: A hectic week... Alas, the video capturing device is ok. Zheng Wei Tong repeats his run as Chinese National Champion and Wang Tian Yi won the most important tournament of the year, the Bi Gui Yuan National Champions Invitation. The commentaries to the last few videos that has been uploaded the past week on facebook are now out. Click here. Or click here for the menu page.
29th Nov: The commentaries to the last few videos that has been uploaded the past week on facebook are now out. Click here. Or click here for the menu page. My screen capturing software is going crazy, but I'll try to do some more videos although it would take me about 5X the time now...sigh.
21st Nov: The commentaries to the last few videos that has been uploaded the past week on facebook are now out. Click here. Or click here for the menu page.
15th Nov: The commentaries to the last few videos that has been uploaded the past week on facebook are now out. These are very basic and very important opening boards on the sdc. Must see!!! Click here. I LOVE the SAME DIRECTION CANNONS!!!
5th Nov: The commentaries to the last 2 videos that has been uploaded the past 2 days on facebook is now out. Click here.
30th Oct: The commentaries to the videos that has been uploaded the past few days on facebook is now out. Click here.
23rd Oct: The commentaries to the video that has been uploaded today on facebook is now out. Be sure you go through them all over, starting from the first board. The fourth board represents the tabia for that particular opening. Click here.
22th Oct: The commentaries to the videos that has been uploaded the past 2 days on facebook is now out. Click here for the menu page.
15 Oct: The commentaries to the videos that has been uploaded the past 2 days on facebook is now out. Click here for the menu page or here for the relevant upload.
9th Oct: The commentaries to the videos that has been uploaded three days ago on facebook is now out. Be sure you go through them all over, starting from the first board. It should give you a good idea of how some modern day variations evolved. The boards are from a book by Master Huang Shao Long. Click here. And scroll the legend on the left, under the opening section, where you will see a new tab. I will try to get organized to present you opening boards now and then, coupled with actual games and occasional puzzles.
1st Oct: Today's daily board is now out. Click here. The biggest typhoon with record breaking winds hit Taipei where I live 2-3 days ago. And then my keyboard went berserk. Had to buy a new cordless one..., biting a big hole in my pocket... Dang. What a week.
27th Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
23rd Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here. Also added a short biography of one of the most beautiful female grandmasters, IGM Guo Li Ping. IGM Guo is the face you see teaching xq on many videos on you tube. For non-Chinese players, just search "郭麗萍+象棋" on youtube. They are some of the best instructional videos. Just copy and paste the search key words and you will see.
21st Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
20th Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
17th Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
12th Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here. Have been working extra shifts.
10th Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here. Have been working extra shifts. Sorry for the delay.
6th Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
2nd Sept: Today's daily board is now out. Click here. A million thanks must be given to Mr John Truong for pointing out to me that one of the links to the WXF site for free pdfs books was mistaken. Mr Peter Sung was maintaining his site and must have did a few adjustments... Anyway, for those interested, click here to the WXF site for free pdf books. BTW, I cannot remember where other similar links, are, please tell me...
30th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
27th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
23rd Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
21st Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
18th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
15th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
12th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
4th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
8th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
4th Aug: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
30th Jul: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
24th Jul: Today's daily board is now out. Click here.
19th Jul: Today's daily board and the puzzle published on 7/15 are now out. Click here.
5th Jul: The last three published games are now out with their comments. Click here. The Feb-Jun archives are also out. Click here or click on the submenu below What's new in the navigator bar on the left.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 31st Dec 2015
Last Updated: 31st Dec 2015
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.