Jan-Dec 2017
2017-12-29: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Have also archived the what's new passage here. Click here for the archives this year or go to the Master Archive section in the tool bar. Been a very very busy week at work. Reflecting on 2017, I consider Xiangqi to have had a breakthrough year. The internet has been alive with Xiangqi activities. May 2018 be even better! Happy New Year to all!
2017-12-22: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Been a tiring week, still have to work overtime. Sorry for the minimal output.
2017-12-15: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. This would mark the start of the 2004 A League matches. It is my greatest wish that there would a good quality match every day for folks who might not have the time to play the game like me. Have also added more entries from my Lexicon about the Greats of Xiangqi onto facebook. Click here for more on the greats of Xiangqi.
2017-12-08: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. The 2003 A-League matches are now finished. It is my greatest wish that there would a good quality match every day for folks who might not have the time to play the game like me. Have also been posting entries from my Lexicon about the Greats of Xiangqi. Click here for more on the greats of Xiangqi. I will spend time when I am free to slowly upload more stuff.
2017-12-01: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Have also been posting entries from my Lexicon about the Greats of Xiangqi, most of which I have not had the time to upload to my website.
2017-11-24: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. December would be a Xiangqi fan's dream come true. There are several major competitions. Will try to cover them to the best of my abilities.
2017-11-21: New book, Dreams of Divine Positions now out in both print and ebook form on Amazon.
2017-11-17: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. The World Xiangqi Federation Championships are entering the final stages...Exciting!
2017-11-11: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. The World Xiangqi Federation Championships would start in a few days time.
2017-11-3: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. And there is a new Chinese National Champion, GM Xu Chao from Jiangsu.
2017-10-27: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2017-10-20: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2017-10-15: Just returned from a fruitful trip to Hangzhou. The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out or here for the menu. And thanks to all for the best wishes for my birhday.
2017-10-06: The boards that have been posted the past wk are now out. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu. Will be going to Hangzhou next week for the annual Chess Conference. Video uploads will still continue but they would be posted to the site slightly later.
2017-09-29: The boards that have been posted the past wk are now out. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-09-22: The boards that have been posted the past wk are now out. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-09-15: The boards that have been posted the past wk are now out. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-09-08: The boards that have been posted the past wk are now out.
2017-09-05: All the games with photos, credit to Mikko Tornqvist have been uploaded. The 2017 World Xiangqi Mixed Doubles Championships.
2017-09-03: EXTRA, EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! The 2017 World Xiangqi Mixed Doubles Championships.
2017-09-01: Click here for the boards uploaded last wk. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-08-26: Sorry for the slightly late upload. Had dinner with some Xiangqi friends. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-08-19: Latest book, final volume of Secret in the Tangerine is out. Now available on Amazon as a print book and also an ebook.
2017-08-18: Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-08-11: Have had to do overtime the past week. Sorry for the late upload. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-08-04: The boards that have been published the last week are now out. Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-07-30: Finally, found the CXA version of the Rules used in China in my computer which I had also done when researching the Lexicon last year. For the newcomer, this set of rules is tougher than the AXF rules, and is used mainly in China only. For International events, the AXF rules are followed. Both set of the rules, unofficial, have been translated and presented for all to understand the game more clearly. Have also reformatted the UNOFFICIAL VERSION OF THE AXF RULES to make it more palatable.
2017-07-30: I had done the translation of the AXF rules last year but somehow forgot where I stashed it in my computer. Found it. Please share if you want. But remember, this is the UNOFFICIAL VERSION. For more useful downloads, please visit the Downloads section on the menu bar.
2017-07-28: Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-07-22: Dr. Rene Gralla, a long time supporter and promoter of Xiangqi has designed a new Xiangqi Set for play in the gardens. Click here for more.
2017-07-21: Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-07-14: Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu.
2017-07-07: Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu. And please remember to spread the word about the lexicon. Thanks.
2017-06-30: Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu. And please help out with the survey at the link above! Thanks!
Also, my latest book, and the one that took me over 6 years to complete is now out. I feel burnt out now. It is available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/9574347079/
2017-06-23: Click here for the A League uploads the past wk or here for the menu. And please help out with the survey at the link above! Thanks!
2017-06-16: Still busy with a journal for Xiangqi. Click here for the recent uploads. Click here for the menu to the A league matches.
2017-06-10: Had a mild bout of flu. Forgot to upload yesterday. Click here for the recent uploads. Click here for the menu to the A league matches.
2017-06-02: Came back. Back to business. The games that have been uploaded the past two weeks are now out. Click here for the uploads.
2017-05-19: Going on a personal and family trip back to Singapore and Malaysia on 5/19-29. Videos would still be uploaded and I will have added the boards that I have prepared. Click here for the menu to the A league matches.
2017-05-12: The 2003 A League matches part four are now out.
Managed to squeeze these two books out before I go on a short vacation starting 5/19-5/29. The videos would still be uploaded.
Thanks to all for your support. It has been almost one year since my first book came out. Thanks again.
2017-05-05: The 2003 A League matches part three are now out.
2017-04-28: The 2003 A League matches part two are now out.
2017-04-21: This would be the first of many A League matches. Click here to go to the menu directly. Or go to the Selected Games menu for more.
2017-04-14: Final serving of the Mandarin Duck, Part 4. Click here. It took me quite some time to find and arrange the boards. Hope you liked it. For the next week onwards, it would be a series of very exciting games from the A league in China!
2017-04-07: Mandarin Duck Cannons Part 3! Click here. The videos are also out on youtube. One more week of the Mandarin Duck Cannons next wk. The books have also been finished and published last week. Thanks for the support. Am trying to format the books as best as possible so that the ebooks will come out, but as there are over 800 diagrams per book, I expect that it would take me at least another wk, fastest.
Remember, there are discount codes on my site. Please go to the Publications button on the menu bar on the left, second last one.
2017-03-31: Mandarin Duck Cannons Part 2! Click here.
2017-03-24: Mandarin Duck Cannons Part 1. Click here .
2017-03-17: The crazy E47 part 2 and part 3 are now out. Busy with proofreading another new book(s) to be out soon. Ducks will be served next week!
2017-03-10: E47 ... volatile. This would be the first part of a series on the E47 opening. Never lacking fireworks.
2017-03-03: More turtle soup. Click here for the second wk's upload.
2017-02-24: Turtle soup has been served this week. Click here for the games with the Turtle Back Cannons. The games are also out on my Facebook channel. I hope to upload at least 2000 videos to my youtube channel over the next few years, and have arranged the matches of the greats and categorized them as best as possible. For example, type Wang Tianyi and you should find all the matches that I have uploaded with the young grandmaster as a playlist on youtube.
2017-02-17: The comments to GM Liu Dianzhong's games are out. They are also out on my youtube channel. Adding a lot of playlists so that you can search for game easily. Hope to upload at least 3000 games over the next few years onto youtube.
2017-02-10: Part 2 of the Shanghai C49 is out. It is also out on my facebook channel. Check out Selected Games for more.
2017-02-03: Part 1 of the Shanghai C49 is out. It is also out on my Facebook channel.
2017-01-27 Happy New Year! The midgames with commentaries the past wk are now out. Please click here. Will be going on a short trip with my family. But there will still be uploaded, boards.
2017-01-20: Hope you enjoyed the midgames with commentaries the past wk. Click here for the comments.
2017-01-13 Black Friday... LOL. Games with commentaries to the Hu Ronghua games are now out. Click here ...
2017-01-06 Happy New Year!!! The commentaries to the boards this wk (midgames, capture vs counter-capture) is now out. Click here . Or here for the page on selected midgames where more similar stuff can be found.
2016-12-23: The commentaries to the opening series by Master Huang are now out. Click for the Left Riverbank Horse Variation and the Same Direction Cannons. I will take the last wk of the year off as a break to reflect on my website. Will still post if there are any interesting articles. See you guys next year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The 2016 archives are also out now.
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 29th Dec 2017
Last Updated: 29th Dec 2017
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.