Jan-Dec 2018
2018-12-28: This post would be the last one in 2018. Again, it has been a hectic year for me with Xiangqi. The site has finally hit 2500+ pages and still going strong. It is quite an achievement that I am proud of, as I have never expected the site to last so long.
Yet for Xiangqi, there is still so much to do! Wishing all a fruitful new year ahead!
The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
Have also archived the 2018 "what's new" here or go to the Master Archive section that can be found in the tool-bar.
Again, please support the site by telling friends about the books that I have written, for they provide the only source of income (meagre) to pay for monthly maintenance bills required.
2018-12-24: Another new publication! The ancient manual Plum Flower by Wang Zaiyue! Thanks to all!
Amazon Link to Print Book: Plum Flower Manual by Wang Print Book
Amazon Link to Print Book: Plum Flower Manual by Wang Ebook.
2018-12-21: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. A new book is coming out soon!
2018-12-14: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. After the Chinese National Individual Championships and the Bi Gu Yuan Cup, the Huai Yin Han Xin Cup Xiangqi International Masters Invitation is now under way. What a busy month!
2018-12-07: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. The Bi Gui Yuan Cup is down to the final two. Will Wang Tianyi prevail or will Zheng Weitong manage to win?
2018-11-30: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. With the Chinese National Individual Championships over, and a new king being crowned, the next major event would be the Bi Gui Yuan Cup where only past individual champions are allowed to participate!
2018-11-23: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. The Chinese National Individual Championships are entering the final stage. Did you pick the correct finalists?
2018-11-16: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Busy on more stuff. The Chinese National Individual Championships are now being played and it has been a heck of a tournament. Will the defending champion prevail or will there by another new King of Xiangqi or will one of the 'old' champions return to glory?
The Han Xin Cup will be held in about three week's time and I personally am waiting eagerly!
2018-11-09: The boards that have been uploaded the past week and here are now out. Or click here for the menu. It would seem that uploading four games per day is too time consuming, I might not be able to keep doing so. Will resume the two boards a day routine.
2018-11-02: The boards that have been uploaded the past week and here are now out. Or click here for the menu. From next week onwards, the 2005 A League matches would be uploaded. As a bonus to my Vietnamese friends, I have inserted key words in Vietnamese. Many thanks to my Vietnamese friends who have helped in translation.
2018-10-26: It has been a very busy week for me and the world of Xiangqi. The Asian Xiangqi Championships are being held in Shanghai now. As for the site, the boa
rds that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-10-19: Very fruitful trip to Hangzhou. The 2018 Chu-River and Han-Border Million Dollar (Renminbi) match will be held on the morning of 2018/10/20 (UTC+8hr Greenwich), between GM Wang Tianyi and GM Xu Chao. I have put up a poll for fun on the facebook page and you may see the results. The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-10-12: Am at Hangzhou China right now, attending the annual Hangzhou Chess Conference. Will try to upload as many interesting photos as possible. The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-10-05: The WXF Elite Cup is currently under way. http://caxf.ca/caxf/doc/game/2018wtt/ is the url where the matches are uploaded! Thank you Mr Peter Sung!
2018-10-05: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Will be going to China next week for Xiangqi related activities but the videos will keep continuing. I might not have time to do the translations into Vietnamese though. Sorry about that!
2018-09-28: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-09-21: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. And, finally, the World Xiangqi Rules, in English, would be out in October, by the People's Sports Publishing House. It would be a milestone in promoting Xiangqi. I do not know how to obtain a copy yet, will keep all informed when I do.
2018-09-14: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. I have tried to add the limited Vietnamese terms and names as much as possible. It would be impossible to add to the entire site, but I would try my best to add to future videos etc.
2018-09-07: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Have decided to try my best to add Vietnamese to my videos, or at least the names of the players. It is hard work but I will try to keep doing it for all my videos. Help has been provided by Mr. Vu Thien Bao and Mr. An Thien Tran who are great promoters of Xiangqi in their own right.
Mr. Vu's website, www.tuongky.com has recently added an English interface. There allegedly 10,000 Xiangqi puzzles on the website with a Q&A format to test your skills. There are only over 3000 puzzles on this site, without the brilliant Q&A format that could be found on Mr. Vu's website. It was previously available in only Vietnamese and Chinese but is one of the best Xiangqi websites that I have ever seen and I greatly recommend it. A pat on the shoulders is also necessary for Mr. Vu.
Please also click on the LINKs button on the menu bar for more great Xiangqi resources.
2018-08-31: The boards that have
been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Or click here for the latest file, in Chinese, which is an annual report on the Xiangqi situation in China and the world.
2018-08-24: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-08-17: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. The 2018 WXF title list in Chinese is also available in the downloads section. Please click here for the English version.
2018-08-10: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. I thank all who took an interest in the posts I posted on Facebook last week, especially the one about Hu Ronghua, perhaps the greatest of all time (G.O.A.T).
2018-08-03: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-07-31: Finally, the UTE Endgames Tabia is out in two volumes. The author has received some help from Vincent Chai, the East Malaysian Xiangqi Representative for the Youth Division in the AXF Tournament in 2012. Chai is a potential International Master in the webmaster's opinion. The author hopes that the West can know more about the depth and beauty of Xiangqi endgames. Thanks to all for the support and encouragement over the years.
2018-07-27: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Books are done, ISBN just arrived. Into the final process.
2018-07-20: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Books are done, now waiting for isbn to arrive.
2018-07-13: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Enjoying the World Cup!
2018-07-06: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Working on a new book 90% done, and enjoying the World Cup!
2018-06-29: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Enjoying the World Cup!
2018-06-22: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Have also made updates to the link page, now that there is so much more information on the net.
2018-06-15: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-06-08: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-06-01: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. There was some misunderstanding with my publisher about my latest book the past wk, which have resolved. The paper form of the book is now, sorry for the long wait.
2018-05-25: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
And finally, Volume 2 of Becoming a Xiangqi Assassin is now out. Sorry for the long wait! Available on Amazon at the following link.
2018-05-18: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. And finally, a new book will be out next wk... into the final stages of making the ebook and also formatting the print volume.
2018-05-11: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-04-27: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Sorry for being low key. Have a bloody headache the past month organizing and writing the latest Understanding the Elephant book. So far, over 450 pages have been written and there are over 1000 diagrams already. And it is about half way done... might have to make it into a two-volume edition, but I guarantee that it would help everybody's endgame. Also, I have been asked many times about the Becoming A Xiangqi Assassin continuation. Over the past 2 years, since publishing the first book, I have analyzed hundreds of games and am in the process of selecting the best boards for the second instalment. Trying my best, but slowing the tempo down a little bit. Getting old.
2018-04-20: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-04-13: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-04-10: Saw an interesting article by Mr. Ba Yanchao on management and managed to obtain his permission to translate and publish it on my site.
2018-04-06: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-03-30: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-03-23: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. And thanks to all the fans. I have over 10
0 subscribers to the youtube channel now. The aim of the Youtube channel is to provide videos top-quality games by the experts. So far there are over 1200 videos there and I have tried to categorize them according to tournament and the grandmasters. It is hard work but I am certain that over time, it would be a nice source of top quality Xiangqi games. I often get inspired by the games and I am sure you would too. Thanks!
2018-03-09: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-03-09: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-03-08: It has been a very long, and painful journey. I started writing the Lexicon, Secret in the Tangerine series and also the Elegant Pastime Manual Series in 2016. It was hard work, but I had my brother with me. Unfortunately, he passed away in November 2016. Today, it is with a heavy heart, that I finish publication of the last installment of the Elegant Pastime Manual, Volumes 5&6. The journey started out with two brothers but ended with only me left. I will continue bravely, albeit alone.
Nevertheless, I wish to thank the visitors who have bought the books to help me with the maintenance of this site. I will continue writing Xiangqi, for it is in the world of Xiangqi where I can find solace. Thanks to all again through the years.
2018-03-06: Very nice PDFs on the development of Xiangqi in Europe. Check out the Downloads page (article 13).
2018-03-02: The boards that have be
en uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. It is going to be the new year next wk, but the daily uploads will not stop! Today is the 15th and day of the Lunar Chinese New Year Celebrations. Still, Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!
2018-02-23: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. It is going to be the new year next wk, but the daily uploads will not stop! Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!
2018-02-16: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. It is going to be the new year next wk, but the daily uploads will not stop! Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!
2018-02-15 Today is the eve of the Lunar Chinese New Year. The new year would be the year of the Dog. Happy New Year to all and thanks for the continued support!
2018-02-09: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. It is going to be the new year next wk, but the daily uploads will not stop! Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!
2018-02-02: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Also, the ISBN for the second book in the series of the Elegant Pastime Manual has arrived. It should be on the shelves over the weekend. Sorry to keep all waiting. The book was already 80% done last year, around the time when the Lexicon was out. However, there were new regulations on the pieces and I had to re-do all 1200+ of the diagrams. Thanks to all for the support.
2018-01-26: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-01-19: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu.
2018-01-12: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. I am glad that the photos of the Japanese National Tournaments and Annual Tournament in Belarus got many likes the past wk. It is a burning desire for me to want to spread Xiangqi.
2018-01-05: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. New year, new resolutions. Have some ideas that I am contemplating.
2017-12-29: The boards that have been uploaded the past week are now out. Or click here for the menu. Have also archived the what's new passage here. Click here for the archives this year or go to the Master Archive section in the tool bar. Been a very very busy week at work. Reflecting on 2017, I consider Xiangqi to have had a breakthrough year. The internet has been alive with Xiangqi activities. May 2018 be even better! Happy New Year to all!
Click here to go back to the archives section ...
First Created : 28th Dec 2018
Last Updated: 28th Dec 2018
The frequent visitors to my site who have asked for this.