Palcorner Horse Checkmate 挂角马 士角马 杀法

Very commonly used checkmate. Please refer to the diagram of the names of the positions of the horses in attack which is also the main menu for this section.

This is the Palcorner Horse Checkmate. The horse is placed at one of the corners of the palace.
By virtue of the movement of the horse, it will control 2 points in the palace. The enemy king under check would be limited to certain intersections in the palace, whereby another attacking piece will finish off the kill.


  • Although there are four palace corners, the Palcorner Horse, by default, is used to refer to the two palace corners on the cannon rank.
  • When, the king happens to be at the direct opposite of the horse diagonally, the horse will be called an Octagonal Horse 八角马. The king would be trapped as the horse will have controlled all its possible moves.

Click here for the Octagonal Horse Checkmate.


Palcorner and Octagonal Horse explained

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