Secret in the Tangerine Volume 3
The Secret in the Tangerine has also been published by the Webmaster to preserve the ancient manual in English for posterity. Many variations and sub-variations have been added to explain the games in detail. Be sure also to study the handicap games shown.
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Book 2: Section 2:
Red gives up a horse for a one horse handicap match. Handicap matches are not as simple as they seem!
This volume is dedicated to seeing how Red wins in such a situation.
Book 2: Section 3
Red would give up even more material in this handicap match by starting the game with a two horse handicap.
For practical purposes, I have included all the games in this section under Volume 3 on this site. But I have chosen to divide them into two different pages to speed up the download time required.
As these are all handicapped matches, there will not be any ECCO tags available.
Simple commentary will be given. For a more detailed discussion, please refer to the book published by the Webmaster.
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Book 2: Section 2:
Game 01: SD cannons: RR vs FR. Red wins.
Game 02: SD cannons: RR vs FR with black moving sidehorse first. Red wins
Game 03: SD cannons: RR vs FR with palcorner cannon variation.
Game 04: SD cannons: RR vs FR. Black tries sandwiched horse defence variation
Game 05: Horse chariot opening by red! One of a kind!
Game 06: Central Cannon vs Single Horse Defence
Game 07: Central Cannon with 5th Pawn Advancement vs Single Horse Defence
Game 08: SD Cannons: FR wins RR
Game 09: OD Cannons
Game 10: OD Cannons
Book 2: Section 3
Game 01: Riverbank cannon variation. Black uses the Sandwiched Horse Defense variation!
Game 02: Riverbank cannon variation. Black moving sidehorse first. Red wins
Game 03: Riverbank cannon variation. Black uses the Right Single Horse Defense.
Game 04: Riverbank cannon variation. Black uses the Left Single Horse Defense.
Game 05: Riverbank cannon variation. Black attempts to copy Red's opening with a riverbank cannon opening of his own.
Game 06: Riverbank cannon variation. Black uses the Elephant Opening.
Game 07: Riverbank cannon variation. Black tries the Screen Horse Defense.
Game 08: Red starts with the Central Cannon and quickly maneuvers two cannons in tandem to the central file. Black uses the Single Horse Defense.
Book 2: Section 3.