Plum Flower Manual by Wang Vol 1
Volume 1: Black uses the Screen Horse Defence to trounce Red's Central cannon.
Game 1: Central cannon with riverbank chariot attacking left red flank vs Screen Horse Defence.
Game 2: Central cannon with riverbank chariot attacking lt black elephant early vs Screen Horse Defence
Game 3: Central cannon with riverbank chariot sacrificing cannon vs Screen Horse Defence
Game 4: Central cannon with riverbank chariot vs Screen Horse Defence.
Game 5: Central cannon with riverbank chariot and side horse variation vs Screen Horse Defence with ranked chariot variation
Game 6: Central cannon with pawn ranked chariot take black 3rd pawn vs Screen Horse defense with throat ranked cannon
Game 7: Central cannon with pawn ranked chariot with side horse variation vs Screen Horse defense with early riverbank horse var
Game 8: Central cannon with pawn ranked chariot and ranked chariot side horse vs Screen Horse defense with double headed snake variation.
The modern day ECCO tags for this volume include C15, C17, and C19.
Volume 1 is dedicated to Black using the Screen Horse Defence against Red's Central cannon.
In Boards 1 and 2, Red uses the riverbank cannon and quickly aims at Black's left (Red's right) elephant.
Like the Secret in the Tangerine, the kills are spectacular.
Although by contemporary standards, some of the moves by Red are questionable for Red (and especially stressed so in the Anti-Plum Flower Manual), it is nevertheless a must-read as this ancient manual would demonstrate the evolution of the biggest Xiangqi opening system today.
A much more detailed and translated text with many new comments and explanations to help beginners can be found in the published version. It is available in both print version and ebook version on