Sun Zi's Art of War Chapter 04a applied to Xiangqi (Chinese Chess)

Chapter 4 of Sun Zi's Art of War is titled Tactical Dispositions. It is very applicable to Xiangqi. Just as Sun Tzu's principles have guided military strategists for centuries, we now apply them to the strategic game of Xiangqi.

The principles mentioned in the chapter are very relevant to Xiangqi strategy. In a nutshell, the following are discussed.
Skilled players ensure victory is within reach by careful positioning, then seize opportunities.
Safety from defeat involves defensive moves, while winning involves attacking.
Defense indicates vulnerability, while attack reflects strength.
A strategic defender hides in concealed formations, while an attacker employs daring tactics.
Excellence lies in mastering battles effortlessly, avoiding mistakes.
A consummate player balances moral principles with disciplined methods, ensuring control.
Military success involves measurement, quantity estimation, calculation, chances assessment, and victory.
A winning force overwhelms like released waters. Translated to Xiangqi, skillful positioning, anticipating opportunities, and balancing offense and defense lead to strategic victories.

Note: The examples have also been made into short videos with corresponding tags to offer a clearer explanation.
The URL is:











Translation of Sun Zi's Art of War is by Lionel Giles, First Published in 1910.


Note on the English translations:

There are dozens of English translations of Sun Zi's Art of War. However, in the Webmaster's humble opinion, the best English translation is the one by Ralph D. Sawyer!  Higly recommended! The Webmaster has read many Chinese versions of the book and also three or four English versions.

The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China by Ralph D. Sawyer.
His book can be found on Amazon at the following link:

Another interesting Sun Zi translation is Sun Tzu The Art of War by Stephen E. Kaufmann, a Karate expert. His translation contains some interesting insights.
Kauffman's book can also be found on Amazon at:

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