Chapter 10: Checkmate Techniques 杀 05c

 Due to constraints of this book, the authors have decided to classify the different tactical combinations into the following list:

  • a) Tactical Combinations involving the Central Cannon,
  • b) Tactical Combinations involving the Double Cannons,
  • c) Tactical Combinations involving the Bottom Ranked Cannons,
  • d) Tactical Combinations involving the Horse at the Flank , and
  • e) Tactical Combinations involving the Elbow Horse.

There will be many examples which will be discussed in detail.
Note: The examples have also been made into short videos with corresponding tags to offer a clearer explanation. The URL would be:

A Thank You Note.

The Webmaster is proud to say that he has finished translating the entire book and made videos of all the examples. It has been a long and emotional journey for the author, who saw the lost of loved ones in the process. The first video in the series was first published in 2020 or 2021, during the pandemic. The final video and translation were uploaded on the 8th of November 2023.

He would like to thank all for having accompanied him on this journey for this book.


e)  Tactical Combinations involving the Elbow Horse

When the Horse gets to the Elbow Horse position to deliver a check, it would be like a fearless steed attacking the enemy directly. There are so many ways of delivering a checkmate. The following examples are some ways that the Elbow Horse can do damage. The first four examples are continous checks that lead to a checkmate. The last four examples are ways that the Elbow Horse can do damage.

Note: There were eleven boards in this section which has been divided into three pages to decrease download time. This would be the third page.










These few boards would mark the end of the entire book. The Webmaster thanks all who have lended their support. If you like the work that the Webmaster has done, please do subscribe to the Youtube Channel/Facebook Page/Twitter Page.



李海鸣 和 林秦. 象棋战术初步. 北京 : 新华书店北京发行, 1986. 7015.2281.

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