Chapter 10: Checkmate Techniques 杀 04

 Due to constraints of this book, the authors have decided to classify the different tactical combinations into the following list:

  • a) Tactical Combinations involving the Central Cannon,
  • b) Tactical Combinations involving the Double Cannons,
  • c) Tactical Combinations involving the Bottom Ranked Cannons,
  • d) Tactical Combinations involving the Horse at the Flank , and
  • e) Tactical Combinations involving the Elbow Horse.

There will be many examples which will be discussed in detail.
Note: The examples have also been made into short videos with corresponding tags to offer a clearer explanation. The URL would be:

d)  Tactical Combinations involving the Horse at the Flank

Checkmates involving the "Tiger Silhouette", "Palace corner Horse", "Angler Horse" et cetera, have been discussed in the earlier chapters. Therefore, only three examples are giving in this section as supplementary examples.


Note: There were four boards in this section.













李海鸣 和 林秦. 象棋战术初步. 北京 : 新华书店北京发行, 1986. 7015.2281.

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