Chapter 10: Checkmate Techniques 杀 02b

 Due to constraints of this book, the authors have decided to classify the different tactical combinations into the following list:

  • a) Tactical Combinations involving the Central Cannon,
  • b) Tactical Combinations involving the Double Cannons,
  • c) Tactical Combinations involving the Bottom Ranked Cannons,
  • d) Tactical Combinations involving the Horse at the Flank , and
  • e) Tactical Combinations involving the Elbow Horse.

There will be many examples which will be discussed in detail.
Note: The examples have also been made into short videos with corresponding tags to offer a clearer explanation. The URL would be:

b) Tactical Combinations involving the Double Cannons

Due to the fact that when the Double Cannons deliver a check, no material can be put in betwwen the line of fire. Therefore, this basic kill would easily result in many exciting checkmates.

Note: There were seven boards in this section which has been divided into two pages to decrease download time. This would be the first page.











李海鸣 和 林秦. 象棋战术初步. 北京 : 新华书店北京发行, 1986. 7015.2281.

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