Chapter 9: Sacrificing 弃 08

In this chapter, the authors have divided the subject into eight sections for discussions. They are"

  • (1) Sacrificing material to mount attack
  • (2) Sacrificing material to kill
  • (3) Pseudo-sacrifice
  • (4) Virtual sacrifice ('虚’弃)
  • (5) Enticing Sacrifice material 诱弃
  • (6) Counter-sacrifice
  • (7) Sequential Sacrifice (序盘)
  • (8) Sacrificing material in complicated situations

 Note: The examples have also been made into short videos with corresponding tags to offer a clearer explanation. The URL would be:


(8) Sacrificing material in complicated situations

In complicated situations, there are many variations. The tactic of sacrificing material, especially when time is tight, can be an option, because it would not be easy to calculate clearly and comprehensively. Therefore, a rough estimation can be made based on the following factors:
a) the material strength of both colors after the sacrifice,
b) a rough estimation of the situation (gains and losses) after the sacrifice,
The player will then formulate other plans and deal with the situation accordingly after the sacrifice. If opportunities come about after the sacrifice, it would be worthwhile.











李海鸣 和 林秦. 象棋战术初步. 北京 : 新华书店北京发行, 1986. 7015.2281.

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