Introduction to the Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) Midgame 中局
The midgame is perhaps the hardest stage in the game of Xiangqi. It is also the defining stage of a player's skill.
The opening in Xiangqi has been studied to such an extent that there are basically patterns and formations to follow. Like in International chess, there are classical openings, orthodox openings, unorthodox openings. All these terms mean that there has been extensive study for each opening more or less. In other words, you would have a rough idea on how you fared. All you have to do is just to pick up a book on a certain opening and you will have a rough idea of how your opening has fared.
The same goes for the endgame in Xiangqi. There are many scenarios with definite end results, if you know how to attack or defend that is. It is totally different for the midgame though. You can study and memorize certain formations in the openings and endgames, but it is nearly impossible to do so for midgames.
To study the midgame, you have to study strategy and tactics before being able to formulate your own game plan, if there is one to begin with. The midgames section was perhaps my worst section before moving to this current IP. It was disorganized and unclassified.
The Webmaster will try his best to rewrite the section on midgames.
After much consideration, I have decided to base this section primarily on the free ebook “ Xiangqi Basic Tactics” available for download by the World Xiangqi Federation. The English in the book is readable but I believe that people who are not familiar with the Chinese language or culture might have some trouble understanding some of the ideas put forth.
Below is a short summary of the contents that the Webmaster has put up in the old website. Some time will be needed before he is able to get all the old content up, and also add new content.
- Midgame Boards uploaded in old Webste by date.
- Basics of Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) Tactics 《象棋战术初步》 by Li Haiming and Lin Qin. Highly recommended. Still under construction
- How to Get Out of Trouble by Master Shang Wei (ref 10). recommended
First created: Someday in 2011
1)Mr Peter Sung for his invaluable help. is the url where the free ebooks can be downloaded at the WXF website.
2) Mr Harvey Blume for providing more material.
3) Mr Chris Hankinson for suggesting and explaining certain terms whilst discussing
1. <<象棋戰術初步>>Basics of Xiangqi (Chinese Chess) Tactics by 李海鳴 林秦, Free Ebook found at the World Xiangqi Federation
2. <<象棋基本战术>> by 程明松. Approved by the Chinese Xiangqi Federation.
3. <<象棋入门>> by 刘国斌, 徐家亮, 韩宽 . Approved by the Chinese Xiangqi Federation.
4. <<象棋辞典>> by 屠景明, 杨柏玮
5. <<象棋入门>> by 马正福, 李浭
6. <<象棋入门>> by 朱宝位
7. <<象棋形势判断>> by 黄少龙
8.<<象棋中局战法>> by 刘殿中 齐津安
9. <<象棋实战技法>> by 傅宝胜
10. <<象棋解危謀算>> by Master 尚威 Shang Wei
Still undergoing re-construction...