There are 207 endgame compositions in the book. A Secret Record of Xiangqi was divided into three scrolls:
- Qian 乾
- Kun 坤
- He 和
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The first two scrolls contained Red win endgames. The last scroll contained endgame compositions that ended in a draw. Some of its contents could be found in other ancient manuals but the majority were original works that some experts believe might have been from original Dreams of Divine Positions.
These are the contents of the He Scroll which contain harder endgame puzzles that end in draws. There were several mistakes that were in the book and the Webmaster has tried to find the corrections. As with the two earlier scrolls, the Webmaster has chosen to present the boards five boards at a time.
1. 程Cheng, 明松 Mingsong, 楊Yang, 明忠 Mingzhong and 屠Tu, 景明 Jingming. <<中國象棋譜大全>>. 成都 : 成都時代出版社, 2007.11 重印. 978-7-80548-529-4.
2. 傅万钟 和 佐廷. 象棋古典丛书 棋谱秘录. [编辑] 冯锦注 和 杨明忠. 成都 : 蜀蓉棋艺出版社, 1987. 统一书号 7457.72.